[bitcoin-list] Participate in Bitcoin survey => get bitcoins
2015-07-08 15:24:19 UTC
Dear Bitcoin user,

If you are interested in improving Bitcoin and get some mBTC by the way
just read on.

We are researchers and currently conducting a Bitcoin user
study and are therefore seeking for participants. As you are a Bitcoin
user, we would kindly invite you to participate. Our survey is anonymous
and takes about 15 minutes to complete. As a reward, you can receive
0,0042 BTC and if you spread the word and invite others to participate,
you will receive an additional 0,001 BTC per person. Please note that
automated answers will not receive compensation and will be excluded
from the sample.

The goal of this survey is to learn about user perceptions on Bitcoin
and will cover aspects such as key management, wallet usage and risk
perception. As we believe that these results will be valuable to the
entire community, we will publish our results and make them available to
everyone. This is the link to the survey:


More information can be found on the survey website. If you have any
questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via

